domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Tomb Raider Anniversary

Tomb Raider Anniversary

Tomb Raider Anniversary is the second game of the trilogy, it is about how did Lara met Natla and that she was on a "hunt" or a "competition" for the Scion that was the key for Atlantis.

(Only for PS2 and PS3)

When you've completed the game at last there will appear a box saying: You've unlocked these tricks: sunglasses, no textures and infinite breathing.

As I know there are no more cheat codes but you'll unlock things that forward I'll tell you.

Treasures' Locations

For this treasures I'll leave links, like for TRL

Peru - Mountain caves:

Peru - City of Vilcabamba:

Peru - The Lost Valley:

Peru - Tomb of Qualopec:

Greece - St. Francis Folly:

Greece - The Coliseum:

Greece - Midas' Palace:

Greece - Tomb of Tihocan (part 1):

Greece - Tomb of Tihocan (part 2):

Greece - Tomb of Tihocan (part 3):

Greece - Tomb of Tihocan (part 4):

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon (part 1):

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon (part 2):

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon (part 3):

Egypt - Obelisk of Khamoon (part 1):

Egypt - Obelisk of Khamoon (part 2):

Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion (part 1):

Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion (part 2):

Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion (part 3):

Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion (part 4):

Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion (part 5):

Lost Island - Natla's mines (part 1):

Lost Island - Natla's mines (part 2):

Lost Island - Natla's mines (part 3):

Lost Island - The Great Pyramid (part 1):

Lost Island - The Great  Pyramid (part 2):

Lost Island - Final Conflict (part 1):

Lost Island - Final Conflict (part 2):


These are the suits that the game has:
Croft Manor Sport
Croft Manor Sport
Scorched Natla
Scorched Natla


When you've completed all the levels of the game you'll be able to unlock and to see the cinematics of each level.

Also if you complete the time trials and if you collect all the treasures and relics you will unlock too the characters bios and some concept art of TRA and TR1.
You'll be able to unlock and listen to the music that the game has too.

Special Abilities

In the game, the adversaries that Lara has to face have a anger level. When you shot at the adversaries, when the anger level is empty, the adversaries' head will spark and will run to you; when that happens you can move left, right, front or back and while doing that you press the O button and Lara will jump left, right, front or back and then it will appear two reticles, you have to wait until the reticles join and then you shot the adversary and it'll immediatly die. 

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